32/64 bit
Google Play
  1. If you want to ask something or have a general problem:

    Call Devendra Vasant Katuke: ☏ 91 8123406820

  2. If you need Software Support:
    1. Install any one of these two Software

      1. Helpwire
      2. Google Remote Desktop

      Both are completely free.

      Both are very simple to use. Simpler than WhatsApp!

      If you find some difficulty using any one of these Software, ask some help from some nearby person who may be in Education, Office worker, or even Youtube. They will guide you in using these Software for the first time.

    2. After Installation, call Devendra Vasant Katuke: ☏ 91 8123406820, to Share your Screen with us.
  3. Spend some time on our How-To Guide.